Mohamad Mazlan Bin Md Abdollah, Technical Officer
Secondary school dropout awaits entry to university
Mr Mazlan was expelled from school at 15 due gang activities. Equppied with only a PSLE certificate, he would help his father who was a cleaner at various schools.
After his National Service, Mr Mazlan took an entrance test into ITE, joined the Higher Nitec course and worked as a technician at the same time. Upon graduation, he applied to Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma in Power Engineering and scored a GPA of 3.7 – all while juggling his roles as a husband and a father. While studying for his Diploma, he encouraged his wife to do the same. She went on to pursue a Diploma in Human Resource Management in Republic Polytechnic.
He has now been promoted to Technical Officer at Singapore Power and is an inspiration to everyone around him that it is never too late to upgrade and improve themselves.
Mr Mazlan has applied to the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering in the National University of Singapore and is awaiting to their response.