Speech by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs at Minister’s Hari Raya Get-Together on 28 June 2018
28 JUN 2018
A community that soars
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Grace Fu
Members of Parliament
Mufti of Singapore and Senior Officials of MUIS
Community and Religious Leaders
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
- Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good evening to all, and to my Muslim guests, it is not too late in our culture to say Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin.
- Gathered here today are many old friends and familiar faces – from the mosques, madrasahs, Malay/Muslim organisations, grassroots, key community partners and public service agencies. Thank you for your dedication, and service to Singapore and our Muslim community. I am also happy to see many new faces, including outstanding individuals who have inspired us through their achievements over the past year. Thank you for being here today.
- Each of us can make a positive impact on the people around us – no matter how large or small our contributions. And when we work together, the impact is so much greater. We saw this in our mosques during the blessed month of Ramadan. Our mosques were full during iftar, hosting people from all walks of life – young and old, locals and foreigners, Muslims and non-Muslims. Our mosques provided food for all who came. Some mosques also distributed food to needy residents staying nearby, regardless of their religion.
- The act of giving back is something that comes naturally to our community, especially during Ramadan. Amidst our daily commitments and fasting obligations, many put in the time to volunteer and donate to various causes, including helping the less fortunate, regardless of race or religion. However, these causes do not disappear after Ramadan, and there are many opportunities to make a difference, be it through national and community organisations, and even on your own – by helping family, friends and people in our neighbourhood. I hope that beyond Ramadan, our community continues this culture of care for one another.
- Such a culture is foundational to building a more caring and cohesive Singapore. When everyone, regardless of background, helps each other, we are strong as a community, and strong as a country.
- Indeed, our Malay/Muslim community has shared in the fruits of Singapore’s progress since Independence, because we have all strived hard together. Nearly 40 percent of Malays have post-secondary or higher qualifications, compared to 31 percent 8 years ago1. Better education has opened up better employment opportunities. A higher proportion of Malays are working as professionals, managers, executives and technicians, or PMETs. Malay households are also financially stronger – nearly 90 percent of them own their own homes, and the majority live in 4-room or higher-end housing.
- We can be very proud, because many in our community who have achieved a measure of success, have also come forward to help those in need. I believe that success is not only about getting to the top. I believe that success is about overcoming struggles that come our way, leading a dignified life, and always giving back to society. I believe too that success in life is not solely due to our own strengths, but because everyone cared for each other in good times and bad. It takes a village, not just to raise a child, but for the whole village to do well.
- One inspiring example is Suhairi bin Suhani, who struggled to keep up with his peers in primary school after suffering from intellectual impairment. He later enrolled in a school run by the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN), and is now a full-time athlete under the SPEX scholarship. As a special needs student, Suhairi found it challenging to fit in at mainstream schools. However, he focused on his strengths, and with the help of his coaches, did Singapore proud at the 9th ASEAN Para Games in 2017 by clinching the silver medal in the men’s long jump F20 finals. Congratulations, Suhairi. But Suhairi hopes to do more than win medals. He wants his success to change public attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities, and prove that despite their challenges, they too can do well with hard work, determination and support from people around them. I hope, after this, you can meet Suhairi, talk to him, and see that he is just like us.
- Inspiring individuals like Suhairi are part of a community that has done well due to supportive parents and families and a cohesive community. On this note, I would like to express my appreciation to all our past and present Muslim leaders – including our former Minister Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, for their hard work, vision, and dedication in bringing the community to where we are today. Allow me to continue my speech in Malay.
- Hadirin hadirat sekalian. Saya baru pulang dari Jerman minggu lalu menaiki pesawat A380. Sebagai seorang jurutera, saya faham bagaimana kapal terbang, boleh terbang tinggi. Begitupun, saya masih berasa takjub setiap kali saya melihat sebuah pesawat berlepas dan mendarat. Ini kerana tidak masuk akal bagaimana pesawat yang diperbuat dari campuran logam seberat 600 ton, sama dengan berat 100 gajah, boleh melayang di udara. Justeru dalam Al-Quran manusia disuruh merenungkan kejadian terbangnya burung-burung. Surah Al-Mulk, ayat ke-19, bermaksud: “Dan apakah mereka tidak melihat kepada burung-burung terbang berkawan-kawan dan mengatupkan sayapnya? Tidaklah ada yang menahan mereka, melainkan Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih [ar-Rahman]. Sesungguhnya Dia, Tuhan, atas tiap-tiap sesuatu adalah memandang.”
- Rupanya penerbangan tertakluk pada peraturan yang sangat mudah. Untuk sesuatu boleh terbang, kita harus tahu mengimbangi 4 daya kuasa – supaya daya tujah atau thrust dapat mengatasi daya seret atau drag, dan daya angkat atau lift harus mengatasi daya graviti. Saya anggap, ini juga satu contoh bagaimana sifat ar-Rahman mencurah pada kita, yang mana sesuatu yang tampak rumit, sebenarnya mudah dihuraikan jika kita fahami prinsip-prinsip asas di sebaliknya. Hanya dengan kemampuan mengendali dan memahami empat daya kuasa tersebut, logam yang berat boleh terbang melayang bersama isinya!
- Ada satu lagi perkara pokok yang membolehkan daya angkat menerbangkan sebuah pesawat apabila didorong daya tujah - ia terletak pada bentuk sayapnya – atau pada bentuk yang disebut ‘aerofoil design’. Begitu juga dengan masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura. Masyarakat kita, jika kita tahu apa yang perlu dilentur, saya pasti dapat terbang tinggi dan jauh.
- Kita tidak boleh lari daripada hakikat ini. Jika kita ingin menyembuhkan apa sahaja yang menjadi kepincangan masyarakat kita, kita juga harus ada matlamat akhir yang tepat. Bentuk atau ciri masyarakat kitalah yang akan menentukan sama ada kita akan terbang tinggi didorong tujah dari pendidikan dan ekonomi yang memberangsangkan, walaupun menghadapi seretan dari cabaran dan tekanan hidup yang bertubi-tubi. Jika bentuk tidak tepat, kita rebah ke tanah.
- Kita boleh mengambil iktibar dari apa yang mentransformasikan masyarakat padang pasir Arab hingga menggegarkan empayar Parsi dan Rom dan membawa ‘Renaissance’ pada Eropah. Maka apakah ciri-ciri masyarakat yang perlu kita bina hingga kita dapat terbang bersama?
Keluarga yang kukuh bagi permulaan yang baik
- Usaha pertama adalah untuk memupuk keluarga yang kukuh. Seringkali usaha kita tertumpu pada keluarga berisiko kerana mereka memiliki ciri-ciri yang membimbangkan. Namun penting pendekatan dan paradigma tidak menganggap mereka sebagai mangsa yang perlu diselamatkan tetapi sebagai bakal pemimpin yang berpotensi iaitu “Not victims but potential leaders”. Sebab itulah, kita bukan setakat membantu mereka harungi cabaran seharian tetapi membantu mereka membina dan mengembangkan aset-aset dalam keluarga, walau sekecil manapun dan seawal-awalnya semasa mendirikan rumahtangga. Usaha ini memerlukan pendekatan yang sangat berbeza dari hanya memberikan sahaja apa yang mereka mahu demi kononnya menghormati kewibawaan mereka.
Pendidikan sepanjang hayat
- Kedua, jika ketua keluarga tidak mampu untuk meningkatkan pendidikan kerana sibuk mencari nafkah, maka mereka harus dibantu supaya anak-anak mereka mendapat pendidikan yang terbaik. Keluarga yang kukuh sedar bahawa pendidikan adalah kunci untuk memperbaiki kedudukan mereka dan membina aset keluarga. Ini bermula dengan menitikberatkan pendidikan awal untuk kanak-kanak dan memastikan pendidikan mereka terus disokong sejauh-jauhnya. Bagi keluarga sebegini, kita perlu membantu mereka untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dan menyemai budaya pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Bagi yang berpotensi besar, kita perlu memberikan bimbingan kerjaya atau mentorship melalui interaksi dengan golongan karyawan demi meluaskan rangkaian kenalan dan menggilap kemahiran mereka sekaligus mencetus peluang untuk mereka berkembang. Pendek kata, masyarakat berpegang pada pendidikan sepanjang hayat adalah ciri masyarakat kedua yang kita harus bina bersama.
Warga yang aktif menyumbang
- Ciri ketiga masyarakat yang kita inginkan ialah warga yang aktif menyumbang kepada masyarakat dan negara, apalagi yang sudah mencapai kejayaan. Mari sama-sama kita menyingsing lengan dan turun padang untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan. Kukuhnya sebuah masyarakat adalah apabila semua dapat berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah. Selama ini ramai melibatkan diri dalam mengatur pentadbiran di masjid-masjid dan badan-badan Melayu/Islam. Saya gembira karyawan mapan kita sudah pun menyahut bergabung dengan MESRA demi memperkasakannya. Ayuh, kita kekalkan budaya berjasa kepada masyarakat.
Masyarakat yang penyayang dan bersatu padu
- Individu yang hebat tidak menjadikan masyarakat yang hebat jika tidak bersatu padu – walaupun setiap mereka berhemah dan banyak membantu. Justeru, ciri keempat adalah masyarakat yang bukan sahaja penyayang tapi juga bersatu padu. Dalam memperkatakan masyarakat bersatu padu, pada Mei lalu, saya berpeluang bertemu dengan Imam Besar Al-Azhar, Syeikh Dr Ahmad Al Tayyeb semasa lawatan beliau ke Singapura. Dengan merujuk kepada Al Quran dan Hadis, Syeikh Al Tayyeb menyatakan bahawa Islam menganjurkan penganutnya supaya berlaku baik dan adil terhadap semua orang, tidak kira orang Islam atau yang bukan Islam. Beliau juga menekankan peri pentingnya perpaduan dalam masyarakat majmuk seperti Singapura – berpegang teguh kepada ajaran agama kita, di samping itu, menjadi seorang yang bergiat dalam masyarakat serta menghormati agama, kepercayaan dan budaya berbeza. MUIS telah memuatnaikkan video pertama dalam siri video pandangan Imam Besar mengenai agama Islam dan penganutnya. Kita tonton video pertama dalam siri ini.
- Hadirin, jika dengan masyarakat majmuk yang bukan Islam, kita dipesan supaya berpadu seperti yang kita lihat dalam video sebentar tadi, berat lagi kewajiban tersebut jika ia menyentuh masyarakat kita sendiri. Perpaduan adalah ciri penting supaya masyarakat maju bersama. Tanpanya sifat ego, tidak puas-hati atau marah, kita akan menyerang sesama sendiri. Atau kita merasakan kita sahajalah yang benar dan mengajar anak didik kita supaya jangan bersama dengan orang yang tidak sependapat dengan kumpulan kita. Awaslah kepada hasutan dan desakan yang sebenarnya bertujuan memecah-belahkan kita kerana mahu kita rebah dan lemah. Berpihaklah kita pada kesepaduan, kerana mereka yang mahu bersatu padu merupakan yang tahu merendah diri. Orang yang merendah diri tahu berkompromi dan menghormati perbezaan. Itulah sifat murni orang Melayu yang mengikut resmi padi, semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Malah imam-imam empat mazhab besar hormat-menghormati satu sama lain walaupun besar perbezaan pendapat mereka dan membimbing pengikut mereka supaya beradab antara sama lain hingga kita semua hidup aman bersama berkurun-kurun lamanya.
Rangka kerja M3
- Para hadirin sekelian. Kesepaduan masyarakat kita mesti tercermin dalam kerjasama dan haluan bersama institusi-institusi induk masyarakat kita – MUIS, MENDAKI dan MESRA – yang selama ini, saya menyebutnya sebagai 3M. Kerana banyak sudah digunakan istilah 3M, saya akan gantikan istilah gandingan mereka dengan M3 (M-tiga) iaitu simbol matematik ‘M kuasa tiga’ melambangkan kuasa yang berganda apabila mereka bergabung. Jika permisalan masyarakat ialah sebuah kapal terbang, maka M3 adalah pengemudi dan juruterbangnya. Saya gembira M3 telah pun menemui pelbagai peluang bekerjasama demi meningkatkan lagi keberkesanan program masing-masing dengan memanfaatkan keunikan kekuatan mereka – yang disebut low-hanging fruits. Izinkan saya beri beberapa contoh.
- Project Positive, sebuah inisiatif yang telah dijalankan buat pertama kali oleh Mendaki Ramadan lalu, menyokong peningkatan kemahiran dan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat bagi keluarga bergaji rendah. Dengan menawarkan kursus seperti pertukangan, membuat roti dan menjahit, para peserta diberikan peluang untuk mempelajari kemahiran asas yang mereka boleh manfaatkan untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Para peserta Project Positive mengikuti kursus-kursus tersebut dengan menggunakan kredit SkillsFuture mereka, serta dana yang telah dikumpul daripada masyarakat. Project Positive telah membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup, dan gabungan M3 sedar mereka boleh menambah lagi keberkesanannya. Sementara MENDAKI menyediakan peluang peningkatan diri kepada para ibu bapa, MESRA pula, dengan rangkaian akar umbi, boleh mendekati kanak-kanak melalui inisiatif seperti Program Bola Sepak Kanak-kanak PAssion anjuran Persatuan Rakyat (PA). Ini akan memupuk nilai-nilai positif seperti kerjasama dan daya tahan dalam diri kanak-kanak. Kursus-kursus peningkatan kemahiran untuk ibu bapa juga boleh dianjurkan di bawah Siri SHIOK, suatu inisiatif yang dilancarkan MESRA pada Januari lalu. MUIS pula boleh menambah keperluan mereka dengan agihan zakat jika diperlukan dan pendidikan agama di masjid-masjid.
- Contoh kedua pula ialah dalam perihal zakat. Dalam memupuk sebuah masyarakat penyayang, salah satu rukun Islam, iaitu zakat, sangat penting. Setiap tahun, MUIS memberikan bantuan kewangan zakat kepada kira-kira empat ribu keluarga Islam. Saya gembira kerana kutipan wang zakat telah meningkat, daripada $22.8 juta pada 2010, kepada $44.2 juta pada 2017, seganda. Alhamdulillah, masyarakat kita kini semakin berkemampuan, dan pada masa yang sama, mempunyai semangat memberi yang amat kuat. Dengan kutipan yang lebih besar, MUIS telah diamanahkan untuk melakukan lebih banyak usaha. Pada Ramadan lalu, MUIS menaikkan kriteria kelayakan Pendapatan Per Kapita, atau PCI bagi bantuan kewangan zakat, daripada $350 kepada $400. Berkat sifat penyayang masyarakat kita, tambahan 700 keluarga akan meraih manfaat daripada bantuan kewangan zakat.
- Selain daripada menghubungkan golongan yang memerlukan kepada skim-skim bantuan yang ada di peringkat nasional, MUIS juga sudah mengusahakan supaya mereka boleh memanfaatkan skim pemerintah melalui kerjasamanya dengan MESRA. Malah melalui kerjasama dengan Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial dan Keluarga (MSF), serta Pejabat Khidmat Sosial (SSO), MUIS telah meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat dan memperbaiki sistem rujukan kes.
- Contoh ketiga: PA MESRA dan MAEC berperanan penting untuk mendekati masyarakat lain bagi menggalakkan pemahaman tentang agama Islam serta adat budaya masyarakat kita, juga pemahaman masyarakat kita pada yang lain. Bulan Ramadan telah menyajikan pelbagai peluang. Misalnya, MESRA bekerjasama dengan masjid-masjid untuk menganjurkan majlis iftar di mana orang bukan Islam juga diundang. Beberapa MAEC juga mengagihkan bubur kepada para penduduk Islam dan bukan Islam. Saya amat berbangga kerana kegiatan-kegiatan ini melibatkan sukarelawan daripada pelbagai latar belakang, termasuk Persatuan Hua Yuan, Persatuan Alumni Institut Teknologi India di Singapura, and Persatuan Bijhar.
- Tetapi MESRA tidak boleh berpuas hati dan berhenti setakat ini sahaja. MESRA boleh menjadi jambatan untuk membawa aktivis masjid supaya juga bersama dalam perayaan dan pergaulan kaum lain secara yang boleh diterima demi menguatkan lagi hubungan silang agama dan bangsa. MESRA juga boleh melibatkan mereka dalam kerja-kerja akar umbi di luar dari masjid supaya berpeluang mempraktikkan sentuhan Rahmah orang Islam mendekati masyarakat dan jiran mereka tidak kira bangsa dan agama – seperti anjuran Imam Besar Al Azhar.
- Jelas, lebih banyak yang boleh dicapai sekiranya MESRA berganding bahu dengan rakan-rakan kongsi, terutamanya MUIS dan MENDAKI. Kami pemegang jawatan Pemerintah akan melakarkan rangka yang lebih erat antara M3 supaya kita selaras menyokong pemerintah mengatasi beberapa masalah dalam masyarakat kita. Saya akan mengumumkan inisiatif-inisiatif tersebut pada masa-masa mendatang setelah memahami cara terbaik menggembleng kekuatan M3 bersepadu.
Usaha segenap masyarakat
- Para hadirin sekalian. Masyarakat kita telah mencatat kemajuan yang membanggakan, tetapi perjalanan kita masih jauh. Masyarakat lain juga telah maju. Misalnya, dalam pendidikan, 40 peratus masyarakat Melayu mempunyai pendidikan pos-menengah atau selebihnya, berbanding 51 peratus masyarakat Cina dan 63 peratus masyarakat India. Kita perlu lakukan yang lebih baik. Dunia hari esok akan membawa bersamanya perubahan dan gangguan. Banyak pekerjaan bakal pupus, tetapi banyak lagi pekerjaan baru akan wujud. Jika setiap daripada kita terus berbekalkan azam dan ketekunan yang telah mendorong kita buat sekian lama, saya yakin kita pasti dapat lakukan yang lebih baik lagi.
- Bukan sahaja isu kos sara hidup yang perlu kita tangani. Masyarakat Melayu/Islam kita juga harus mengatasi ancaman terhadap kehidupan sosio-agama kita. Masih wujud fahaman berbahaya yang mengganggu budaya dan nilai-nilai kita serta mengancam cara hidup kita. Kita mesti berjuang menawan minda masyarakat, dan sekiranya kita gagal, masyarakat dan negara kita akan berpecah belah. Setiap anggota masyarakat – ibu bapa, yang muda dan yang tua, para pekerja, para pelajar dan asatizah – harus bersatu hati.
- Penyelesaian masalah masyarakat kita terletak pada usaha bersepadu M3 yang akan dikuatkan lagi dengan rangkaian badan-badan Melayu/Islam. Beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, saya bersyukur berpeluang mengenali badan-badan Melayu/Islam kita dengan lebih dekat lagi. Mereka telah lama menyokong kemajuan segenap lapisan masyarakat – contohnya, menyokong pembelajaran anak-anak kita serta membantu golongan memerlukan agar tidak terpinggir. Badan-badan seperti Jamiyah, Pertapis dan Muhammadiyah tidak asing lagi dengan usaha murni mengendalikan rumah-rumah kebajikan, sementara PPIS dan AMP komited untuk menyokong pembangunan keluarga, seperti menganjurkan program kaunseling bagi pasangan yang ingin bercerai serta program persiapan bagi pasangan bawah umur dan pasangan yang berkahwin semula. Saya dan pasukan saya juga komited untuk terus menyokong usaha badan-badan Melayu/Islam demi pembangunan masyarakat.
- Memandang ke hadapan, adalah menjadi tumpuan utama M3 untuk berkolaborasi dengan badan-badan masyarakat setempat agar sokongan yang diberi kepada masyarakat lebih bersepadu, bermutu dan berpanjangan. Kita mesti berusaha untuk membudayakan wawasan ini agar bukan sahaja badan-badan masyarakat diperkukuh, tetapi lebih daripada itu, kita mesti melahirkan masyarakat yang cemerlang dan luarbiasa. Sebagai langkah permulaan, sebuah pejabat bersama MUIS dan MENDAKI akan ditubuhkan di Wisma Geylang Serai pada akhir tahun ini.
- Hadirin dan hadirat sekalian, ternyata masyarakat kita masih berpegang utuh kepada semangat gotong-royong. Sikap ihsan kita jelas terpapar, dengan ramai yang sedia tampil ke hadapan untuk membantu termasuk karyawan dan badan-badan Melayu/Islam. Harapan saya agar lebih ramai lagi yang akan menyokong program M3.
- Ulama tersohor, Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani dalam khutbahnya pernah berkata: “Sesuap makan yang diberi kepada orang yang kelaparan adalah lebih baik dari mendirikan seribu masjid, lebih baik dari kain bersulam yang menutupi Kaabah, lebih baik dari solat semalaman, lebih baik dari berjihad di jalan Allah, dan lebih baik dari berpuasa dalam panas terik sepanjang tahun. Ketika sesuap makan masuk ke dalam perut orang yang kelaparan, terpancar cahaya bagai sinaran mentari. Berbahagialah mereka yang memberi makan kepada golongan yang lapar dan dahaga.”
- Khutbah itu dikatakan paling pendek dalam sejarah tapi tidak kurang tajamnya. Jika hanya memberikan sesuap makan kepada mereka yang memerlukan, memberikan kita ganjaran yang begitu besar, apalagi jika kita membantu mereka hingga mereka mampu berdikari dan membantu orang lain pula. Hingga mereka mampu membeli tiket kapal terbang untuk terbang ke mana-mana sahaja yang mereka mahu dan bila-bila sahaja. Ciri-ciri ‘aerofoil’ dalam membina masyarakat iaitu keluarga yang kukuh, pendidikan sepanjang hayat, masyarakat yang penyayang dan bersatu padu, serta warga yang aktif menyumbang – adalah sayap masyarakat kita, untuk terbang sama tinggi dengan rakan-rakan kita yang lain di Singapura mahupun di persada dunia.
- Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to conclude in English. Addressing simple principles of physics can enable a piece of metal with its load and a rocket to traverse the night sky to land a human on the moon. So similarly, if our institutions can work together towards our shared goals; if our institutions can galvanise their energies, creativity and determination of our community; if every one of us can step up and help those behind us, I have no doubt that we will put on wings on every one of our community. We will all fly, together. And we will help build a truly exceptional Singapore Muslim community that we and our nation will be proud of.
- Thank you.
English Translation
- Ladies and gentlemen, I returned from Germany last week on an A380 jet plane. As an engineer, I understand how jet planes are able to fly. Even so, I am still amazed every time I see a jet plane take off and land. It seems impossible that a jet plane made of 600 tonnes of metal alloy, weighing the same as 100 elephants, can fly. In fact, the Quran asks us to think about the wonder of flight by observing the birds. Chapter 67, verse 19 of the Quran says: “Have they not seen the birds above them expanding (their wings) and contracting (them)? What is it that lifts them save the Benificent Allah? Surely He sees everything.”
- As it turns out, flight depends on very basic principles. For something to fly, we must know how to manage four forces - such that thrust overcomes drag, and lift overcomes gravity. To me, this is an example of how benificence is bestowed upon us, whereby something seemingly complex can be easily explained if we understand the basic principles behind them. Only by understanding and managing these four forces can a heavy piece of metal alloy fly, along with its passengers and cargo!
- A key factor in generating the lift needed for a jet plane to fly when thrust is applied, is the shape of its wings – or what is called ‘aerofoil design’. The same applies to the Singapore Malay/Muslim community. If we understand what is needed to shape our community, I am certain we can soar high and far.
- We cannot run from this fact. If we want to solve problems in our community, we must begin with the end in mind. The shape, or characteristics of our community will determine whether we soar, thrusted forward by education and a strong economy, regardless of life’s challenges. Without the right shape, we will plummet to the ground.
- We can learn from history, from what transformed the Arab desert community until it shook the Persian and Roman empires, and brought Renaissance to Europe. So what are the characteristics we need in order to fly together?
Strong families for a strong start
- First, we need to nurture strong families. Our focus here has often been on families at-risk. However, it is important that we, in our approach and paradigm, do not regard them as victims that need saving, but as potential leaders. Therefore, we should not only help them get through their daily struggles, but also support them in building and growing their family assets – no matter how small – as soon as they start their families. Our efforts require a very different approach from only giving them handouts.
Lifelong learning
- Second, if parents are too busy making ends meet to pursue self-improvement, they should be supported so that their children have access to quality education. Strong families understand that education is key to social mobility and building their family assets. This starts with an emphasis on early childhood education, and ensuring that their children’s development is supported throughout. We also need to support these families by encouraging them to take up skills upgrading and lifelong learning. Those with potential should be given career guidance or mentorship from industry professionals in order to expand their networks, hone their skills, and seize opportunities for growth. In short, this spirit of lifelong learning is the second characteristic our community needs to build together.
Actively contributing citizens
- The third characteristic we want is for us to be citizens, especially the successful among us, to actively contribute to our community and our nation. Let us roll-up our sleeves and help those in need. Our community is strong when everyone stands shoulder-to-shoulder as equals. Today, many of us are involved in administrative capacities in mosques and Malay/Muslim organisations. I am pleased that our established professionals have already started collaboration with MESRA to better serve our community. I call upon us to continue to serving the community.
Caring and cohesive community
- Outstanding individuals will not make an outstanding community if we are not united – even if each one of them contributes their help. This is why the fourth characteristic is a community that is not only caring, but united. In May, I had the honour of meeting the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, His Eminence Dr Ahmad Al Tayyeb, when he visited Singapore. Drawing from the Quran and the Hadiths of the Prophet, His Eminence said that Islam requires Muslims to treat all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, with kindness and justice. His Eminence also advised on the importance of Muslims integrating well within diverse societies like Singapore – adhering to our faith, while being active members in society who respect other religions, beliefs and cultures. MUIS has developed the first in a series of videos about the Grand Imam’s views on Islam and Muslims. Let us take a look at this video.
- Ladies and gentlemen, if we are advised to stand united with our non-Muslim friends – as the video earlier showed – the onus to do so within our own community is even greater. Unity is an important characteristic for our community to progress together. Let us not allow our egos, dissatisfaction and anger to cause us to argue amongst ourselves. We may feel that our way is the only right way, and teach our children not to interact with those who do not share our views. Beware of such negative influences that seek to divide us, because this will be our weakness and downfall. Let us side with the call for unity, because those who wish for unity are those who know humility, how to compromise, and respect diversity. This is one of the traits of Malays, like paddy – the more ripe it gets, the more it bows. The four great scholars of the schools of thought of Islamic jurispudence also respected one another despite their differences of opinion. This has allowed their followers to live peacefully with one another for centuries.
M3 framework
- Ladies and gentlemen. Our unity must be reflected in the cooperation between our key community institutions – MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA – or M3 in short. Previously, I had referred to this cooperation as 3M. Because 3M is already widely used, I shall refer to their collaboration as M3, signifying their synergy. If our community is a jet plane, then M3 is its pilot. I am pleased that M3 has already explored various opportunities to work together, utilising their unique strengths to improve their respective programmes. Allow me to highlight some examples of these low-hanging fruits.
- Project Positive – a pilot initiative by MENDAKI organised this past Ramadan – promotes skills upgrading and lifelong learning for low income families. By offering courses such as handyman, bread making and sewing courses, participants are given opportunities to learn basic skills that can benefit their family and allow them to earn a little extra for their family incomes. Participants of Project Positive attended these courses through the use of their SkillsFuture Credits and funds raised through community giving. Project Positive has helped uplift lives, and the M3 collaboration can grow its impact. While MENDAKI provides upgrading opportunities to parents; MESRA, through its grassroots network, would engage the children through initiatives such as the PA Passion Children’s Football Programme. This will help to inculcate positive values such as teamwork and resilience in the children. The skills upgrading courses for the parents can also be made available through the SHIOK Series, an initiative launched by MESRA in January this year. In addition, MUIS can provide support through zakat if need be, and religious education at the mosques.
- The second example is zakat. In fostering a caring society, zakat, as one of the five pillars of Islam, is very important. Every year, MUIS administers zakat financial assistance to about 4,000 Muslim households. I am glad that zakat collection has gone up in the last few years from $22.8 million in 2010 to $44.2 million in 2017, or double, as this showcases the growing affluence and strong community spirit of giving. With this larger amount, MUIS has been entrusted to do even more. This Ramadan, MUIS raised the Per Capita Income, or PCI eligibility criterion for zakat financial assistance from $350 to $400. Because of our community’s compassion, 700 more needy families are now expected to benefit from zakat financial assistance.
- Beyond connecting those in need to national assistance schemes, MUIS is working with MESRA to encourage them to tap on other national programmes. MUIS has also worked closely with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) to enhance awareness and strengthened the referral process for zakat beneficiaries who require financial assistance to the Social Service Offices (SSOs).
- Thirdly, PA MESRA and MAEC play an important role in reaching out to other communities to increase understanding of Islam and our culture, and also our community’s understanding of others. For example, MESRA works with mosques to organise iftars where non-Muslims are also invited. A number of MAECs also distribute porridge to both Muslim and non-Muslim residents. I am proud of these activities which involve volunteers from all walks of life, including those from Hua Yuan Association, Indian Institute of Technology Alumni Association Singapore and Bijhar Association.
- However, MESRA cannot rest on its laurels. MESRA can be a bridge that brings together mosque activists so that they can also take part in the festivities of other communities. This will further strengthen interfaith and multiracial relations. MESRA can also involve them in grassroots activities outside the mosque, so that they can put the spirit of rahmah, or mercy, in practice, regardless of race and religion, as encouraged by His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar.
- There is much more that MESRA can achieve if it works together with other partners, especially MUIS and MENDAKI. The Malay/Muslim political office holders (POHs) will work more closely with M3 so that it can be better coordinated alongside government initiatives to address our community’s needs. I will announce the initiatives in due course, once we better understand the best way to synergize the strength of M3.
Whole-of-community approach
- Ladies and gentlemen. Our community has made remarkable progress, but we have much more that we must do. Like our community, others have also improved over time. In education, for instance, while 40 percent of Malays have post-secondary or higher qualifications, Chinese and Indians registered 51 percent and 63 percent respectively. We must do better. The world of tomorrow will be one that is very different, because the sweeping transformation disrupting our economy will wipe out many existing jobs, but also create many new ones. We can do better, and we will, if everyone in our community continues to apply the same can-do spirit, diligence and drive that have spurred our community forward all these years.
- It is not only the bread-and-butter issues that we must address. Our Muslim community must also overcome the threats to our socio-religious life. There are insidious ideologies that erode our culture and values, and threaten our way of life. This is a battle for hearts and minds, and if we falter, our community and wider society will fracture. We need everyone in our community – the parents, our youth and seniors, those in our workplaces, our students, and our asatizah – to stand united.
- The solution to our community’s challenges lies in the collaborative efforts of M3, which is further strengthened by the network of Malay/Muslim organisations. Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity of visiting and getting to know these organisations. They have long supported progress for the whole community – for example, supporting our children in education and helping the needy so that they are not left behind. Our community organisations do important work. For example, Jamiyah, Pertapis and Muhammadiyah run welfare homes for the vulnerable. PPIS and AMP play important roles in supporting families, including providing marriage counselling programmes for divorcing couples, and marriage preparation programmes for minor marriages and re-marriages. My team and I will continue to support your efforts.
- Moving forward, the M3 will be the main focal points of collaboration with other community organisations. This will improve support for the community, allowing the support to be more integrated and sustained. This vision must become an integral part of our culture. Then, not only will our community organisations be stronger, but more importantly, we will become exceptional as a community. As a first step towards harnessing greater synergy, we aim to set up a joint office run by MUIS and MENDAKI at Wisma Geylang Serai by the end of this year.
- Our community still holds on to the gotong-royong spirit. Our spirit of excellence is clear for all to see, with many ready to come forward, including professionals and Malay/Muslim organisations. I hope that many more will do so to support M3.
- A reknown scholar, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jilani, said: “A morsel in the belly of a starving person is better than building a thousand mosques, and even better than the clothing of the Ka’baa with embroidery and better than standing and bowing to God all night long and better than striving in the way of God and better than fasting the whole year in the heat. When flour comes down into the belly of the starving, it has a light that emanates the like bright sunlight. Happy is the one who feeds the starving.”
- A very short yet pointed khutbah. If only by giving a morsel to the hungry, we can attain such rewards, what more if we help the needy to be independent and then help others too. Perhaps, they too can one day purchase a plane ticket and take flight, to wherever they wish, whenever they want. These aerofoil characteristics of building a community - strong families, lifelong learning, caring and cohesive society, and actively contributing citizens – give wings to our community, so that we can soar as high as our fellow citizens in Singapore, and on the world stage.