Committee Of Supply Debates 2023 Speech By Minister-In-Charge Of Muslim Affairs, Minister For Social And Family Development, Second Minister For Health Masagos Zulkifli On 06 March 2023
Building Confident Leaders for the Community and Nation Propelling Our Community Towards Success
Our Malay/Muslim community has played an integral part in our nation-building. Generations of community and religious leaders toiled alongside our fellow countrymen to build Singapore. It is this spirit of citizenry that has carried us far as a society, where everyone steps forward and contributes.
We strive to build a Community of Success based on three ‘Cs’ – Character, Competency, and Citizenry. I shared how we strengthen our Character and develop our Competency in previous COS debates. This year, I will share about the third ‘C’: Citizenry.
Citizenry comes from a sense of belonging and responsibility to Singapore – our country and its people. It is about coming together to build a better future, being confident in our abilities to make positive changes, and showing care for one another. By all and for all. Regardless of race, language, or religion. By being active citizens, we become a vibrant and contributing community who uplift those around us, forging a stronger Singapore.
Chairman, in Malay please.
Tema kami pada tahun ini adalah ‘Masyarakat Penyumbang, Perkukuh Negara’. Ia mencerminkan peranan dan tanggungjawab kita bersama sebagai rakyat Singapura. Tema ini sejajar dengan gerakan ‘Forward Singapore’, di mana Pemerintah menggalak rakyat Singapura untuk sama-sama memperkukuh kompak sosial kita.
Peranan keluarga adalah teras bagi kompak sosial kita. Kita diasuh menjaga dan memenuhi kewajipan kita kepada satu sama lain dalam keluarga kita. Maka, keluarga menyediakan wadah untuk membangunkan rasa tanggungjawab bersama (collective responsibility) atas dasar keikhlasan. Ini benih ikatan sesama rakyat. Sifat tanggungjawab bersama inilah yang mendorong kita untuk menjadi rakyat yang menyumbang kepada masyarakat dan negara. Ini sekaligus memperkukuh kepercayaan antara satu sama lain.
Semasa perbahasan bagi MSF, saya mengutarakan tiga “S” bagi semua keluarga – kestabilan atau stability, mampu berdikari atau self-reliance, dan mobiliti sosial atau social mobility. Dalam satu generasi sahaja, banyak keluarga Melayu/Islam telah berjaya mencapai tiga “S” – sebahagian besarnya kerana kita menekankan pendidikan. Ia juga hasil usaha para pemimpin masyarakat kita, yang telah menubuhkan MENDAKI empat puluh tahun lalu. Mereka akur pentingnya pendidikan untuk mempertingkatkan kehidupan masyarakat kita. Kini, tahap pendidikan masyarakat kita lebih tinggi. Lebih banyak keluarga berjaya mencapai kestabilan, mampu berdikari dan meningkatkan mobiliti sosial mereka. Dalam mencapai kejayaan pula, masyarakat kita tidak meninggalkan nilai-nilai budaya dan agama. Ini kerana Muis terus memperkasakan bakat asatizah dan infrastruktur agama dalam memupuk keperibadian kita.
Saya bangga dengan kemajuan masyarakat Melayu/Islam yang juga giat menyumbang kepada Singapura. Izinkan saya berkongsi bagaimana kami akan terus membina semangat kewarga-negaraan ini:
a. Pertama, memperkukuh asas keluarga;
b. Kedua, memupuk barisan pemimpin masa hadapan dalam bidang agama dan masyarakat; dan
c. Ketiga, meluaskan sumbangan masyarakat kepada negara.
Memperkukuh Asas Keluarga
Kami komited untuk membina keluarga-keluarga yang stabil, kukuh dan berdaya tahan. Encik Zhulkarnain bertanya tentang inisiatif-inisiatif yang menyokong pembinaan institusi perkahwinan dan keluarga yang kukuh. Bak kata pepatah, kita perlu ke hulu jika ada masalah di hilir – Program Bersamamu yang diterajui MOS Faishal telah membantu mempererat hubungan lebih 20,500 pasangan pengantin baru. Ini hasil bimbingan dan sokongan kukuh daripada para Kadi dan Naib Kadi. Mereka berkunjung ke pusat-pusat INSPIRASI Hub (kelolaan AMP dan PPIS) serta PPIS Vista Sakinah tahun lalu untuk lebih memahami cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi pasangan-pasangan muda dan yang berkahwin semula. Pelajaran yang ditimba membolehkan mereka memberi sokongan yang proaktif dan berkesan kepada pasangan-pasangan.
Dr Shahira menyarankan agar sudut pandangan wanita disertakan dalam program Bersamamu. Semua pemimpin agama, termasuk Kadi dan Naib Kadi, dilatih untuk memberi bimbingan yang memenuhi pelbagai keperluan berbeza yang dihadapi bakal mempelai lelaki dan wanita. Jika pasangan memerlukan sokongan khusus daripada para pakar, mereka dirujukkan kepada agensi dan perkhidmatan lain seperti PPIS, AMP dan Projek ARIF Yayasan Temasek. Kami akur pasangan wanita inginkan perkhidmatan khusus dari asatizah wanita dalam beberapa hal. Kami akan berusaha untuk mengadakannya.
Perlaksanaan Program Bersamamu juga diperkukuhkan dengan adanya Program Latihan Responder Pertama Perkahwinan. Program ini memperkasa para anggota masyarakat untuk memberi sokongan kepada pasangan-pasangan yang menghadapi masalah rumah tangga. Lebih 300 anggota masyarakat Melayu/Islam, yang terdiri daripada para pemimpin masyarakat dan agama, serta para sukarelawan, telah dilatih untuk menyokong dan menggalakkan pasangan untuk mendapatkan bantuan profesional, jika perlu.
Encik Faisal Manap bertanya bagaimana kita boleh menyokong individu-individu yang dicabar dengan isu-isu identiti berkaitan jantina. Dalam hal berkaitan agama dan moral, kita harus merujuk kepada Mufti dan barisan asatizah kita. Mereka membimbing kita supaya menunjukkan sifat ihsan kepada satu sama lain termasuk kepada individu tersebut. Muis akan terus membangunkan keupayaan asatizah untuk menyokong individu-individu tersebut dan keluarga mereka secara sensitif dan berhikmah. Ini di atas latihan-latihan untuk asatizah kita yang berkhidmat dalam sektor pendidikan dan kaunseling, supaya mereka terlatih dalam memberi sokongan yang berkesan kepada para individu ini serta keluarga mereka.
Kesemua usaha kemasyarakatan ini menguatkan lagi program-program di peringkat nasional yang bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan pembinaan institusi keluarga yang utuh. SMS Zaqy akan menjelaskan bagaimana kita boleh menyumbang kepada masyarakat yang lebih luas dengan membangunkan kecekapan diri.
Memupuk Barisan Pemimpin Masa Hadapan Dalam Bidang Agama dan Masyarakat
Semangat bantu diri dan gotong-royong adalah lumrah dan sebati dalam masyarakat kita. Bak kata pepatah, berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Semangat muafakat inilah yang mendorong penubuhan rangka kerja M³(M Kuasa Tiga) dan pelbagai badan Melayu/Islam (MMO). MMO menyediakan program-program yang memanfaatkan bukan sahaja masyarakat Melayu/Islam, tetapi juga masyarakat yang lebih luas. Menteri Maliki akan menjelaskan tentang sumbangan MMO dalam ucapannya.
Demi memperkasa MMO, antara lain kita mesti terus menyokong dan memperkukuh pucuk kepimpinannya. Cik Nadia bertanya tentang usaha untuk memupuk para pemimpin masyarakat masa hadapan. Program Tunas Bersama M³mengasuh generasi pemimpin MMO seterusnya dan melengkapkan mereka dengan kemahiran-kemahiran genting. Ini termasuk membina rangkaian dan sinergi dengan pihak lain yang dapat membantu masyarakat secara lebih berkesan dan tersusun. Saya sendiri telah mendengar idea-idea mereka yang bukan hanya segar, tetapi juga menitikberatkan sinergi berkolaborasi.
Para pemimpin agama kita juga memainkan peranan penting dalam membimbing masyarakat. September lalu, Muis menganjurkan Persidangan Antarabangsa Masyarakat Gemilang (ICCOS) untuk memperkasa bukan hanya masyarakat Islam di Singapura tetapi masyarakat Islam minoriti lain untuk hidup sebagai warga dan Muslim contoh dalam masyarakat majmuk. ICCOS menawarkan model bagaimana kita, sebagai masyarakat Islam minoriti, boleh menyumbang kepada keamanan dan kemakmuran negara. Menjawab pertanyaan Encik Zhulkarnain dan Encik Saktiandi, Muis sedang membina gedung-gedung ilmu untuk memperkasa golongan asatizah demi membimbing masyarakat dengan yakin dan berupaya menyumbang kepada negara.
Usaha-usaha kami untuk membangunkan gedung-gedung ilmu agama ini telah menarik minat dari institusi-institusi agama luar negara. Semasa kunjungan saya ke Mesir baru-baru ini, Universiti Al-Azhar dan Dar Al-Ifta telah melahirkan sokongan mereka terhadap usaha Singapura. Mereka juga melahirkan hasrat untuk bekerjasama dengan Muis, bagi membangunkan gedung-gedung ilmu ini. Muis telahpun melancarkan Program Kajian bagi Masyarakat Islam Gemilang (RPCS) demi meluaskan bidang ilmu bagi masyarakat Islam minoriti. Salah seorang zamil perintis RPCS ialah Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed. Beliau mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada amalan yang terlalu sangat bergantung kepada pensijilan halal. Hasil penyelidikannya membantu asatizah kita membimbing masyarakat untuk memelihara ruang bersama. Ini memudahkan interaksi sosial dan menyemai kepercayaan antara kumpulan berbilang agama, tanpa menjejas prinsip-prinsip agama kita.
Muis akan menyediakan lebih banyak sokongan kepada para zamil RPCS, untuk membangunkan barisan ulama dan pemimpin agama Singapura pada masa hadapan. Mereka akan diberikan peluang-peluang latihan dalam metodologi penyelidikan dan visualisasi data, serta menerima bimbingan daripada para pakar akademik tempatan dan antarabangsa yang dihormati. Muis juga akan menubuhkan satu repositori digital tahun ini. Ia bakal mengandungi bahan-bahan rujukan Islam dan sains sosial yang meliputi isu-isu baru berkaitan dengan tadbir urus, masyarakat, sains dan teknologi. Repositori ini akan membantu asatizah kita memberikan bimbingan agama dengan penuh yakin dan dapat menangani cabaran-cabaran kontemporari dalam masyarakat.
Menyentuh perihal agama, Encik Faisal Manap bertanya tentang pemakaian tudung dalam perkhidmatan berseragam. Seperti dijelaskan Perdana Menteri di Rapat Umum Hari Kebangsaan 2021, pemakaian tudung dalam Angkatan Bersenjata Singapura, Home Team dan perkhidmatan berseragam awam lain, tidak berubah. Para pegawai perkhidmatan ini menggunakan senjata api dan menguatkuasa undang-undang Singapura. Kesemuanya merupakan badan-badan negara yang sekular. Lantas, mereka mesti sentiasa dilihat bersikap adil dan saksama apabila bertugas, tanpa menimbulkan rasa berat sebelah. Ini terutamanya penting apabila mereka berdepan dengan insiden-insiden yang berbaur perkauman atau melibatkan soal agama.
Dr Shahira bertanya bagaimana graduan madrasah kita dapat terus berkhidmat sebagai asatizah dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan agama. Kini terdapat lebih daripada 600 mahasiswa yang sedang menuntut dalam bidang pengajian Islam dan program yang berkaitan di luar negara. Setelah menjalani Program Sijil Possiswazah Islam dalam Masyarakat Kontemporari (PCICS) dan mendapat Sijil Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS), mereka boleh mengajar atau bekerja dengan institusi-institusi agama seperti Muis, Mahkamah Syariah, madrasah dan masjid. Muis sedang mengkaji bagaimana menghubungkan graduan-graduan berkenaan dengan institusi-institusi yang relevan. Untuk menarik para asatizah agar terus berkhidmat dalam sektor keagamaan, Muis sedang melakar Garis Panduan Gaji Umum untuk menyemak gaji asatizah, dan memastikan mereka dibayar gaji yang setimpal dengan kelayakan dan fungsi pekerjaan mereka. Muis akan memberikan butiran lanjut pada tahun ini.
Mengenai pertanyaan Dr Shahira tentang Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS), WMS akan menyokong keperluan jangka panjang masyarakat Islam, termasuk institusi-institusi agama serta pembangunan asatizah kita. WMS akan mengumpulkan dana terutamanya daripada perancangan harta dan pusaka oleh masyarakat, lantas tidak bersaing dengan MMO yang biasanya mengumpul dana secara ad-hoc atau tidak tetap.
Tuan Pengerusi, dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Dr Wan Rizal asked how our religious leaders can extend their contributions to benefit wider society. Besides guiding the community, they play an important role in providing solutions to current issues in society and rallying the community for the common good. Their efforts have been recognised internationally. The Fatwa Committee led by the Mufti Dr Nazirudin was conferred the Al-Qarafi Award last year by the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide from Dar Al-Ifta, the prestigious religious authority in Egypt. This was in recognition of the Mufti and the Fatwa Committee’s strong leadership and outstanding contributions in guiding the community on various contemporary issues during the pandemic. The emphasis on peaceful co-existence in their religious guidance was also recognized by international religious scholars.
Expanding the community’s contributions to the nation
Thus far, I have shared how we build strong families and strong leaders. These two pillars strengthen each other and provide an enabling environment for our community to thrive and contribute to the nation. In this regard, I agree with Mr Saktiandi and Ms Mariam that we must not only thrive as a community, but actively give back to the larger society. Many professional bodies, such as lawyers, doctors and educators, are helping to uplift the community. Captain Jaffar Hassan and his team of Malay/Muslim pilots from the Airline Pilots’ Association Singapore are the latest group of professionals who have stepped forward to contribute. They partnered MENDAKI to guide our Malay/Muslim students on career pathways in the aviation industry, and have since extended their programme to SINDA to benefit other communities.
Many Malay/Muslims, having done well for themselves, are also contributing at the national level. For example,
a. Dr Nadjad Abdul Rahim is an operations and product development director of Cellbae Ptd Ltd, whose team developed Singapore’s first antigen rapid test for COVID-19. He also mentors youths pursuing careers in science and conducts outreach to vulnerable families;
b. Ustazah Kalthom Muhammad Isa is the Registrar of Muslim Converts Association and contributes to the Religious Rehabilitation Group by providing counselling to affected family members of those detained under the Internal Security Act. Her efforts help to address our national concern of combatting extremism;
c. Mr Abu Bakar Mohd Nor is Chairman of M Kapital Holdings. He was previously Chairman of M³@Tampines but has since widened his contributions by serving at the national level as Chairman of the Tampines Central Citizen Consultative Committee.
These individuals do not just inspire us with their success, but also their deep commitment to uplifting others. Our community’s contributions across various sectors in society, is something we should celebrate and be proud of.
Indeed, we are a community that live by the ethos of Rahmatan Lil Alamin, or “Blessings to All” - actively seeking to build bridges to reach out to those beyond our own. During Ramadan last year, the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF) raised more than $180,000 to support close to 7,000 disadvantaged families from different ethnic and religious groups. They worked with various partners such as temples, churches, mosques and the Singapore Association for the Visually Handicapped to pack and distribute essential items for families. RLAF not only reached out to the vulnerable, but cultivated stronger bonds among Singaporeans.
Mr Chairman, the Malay/Muslim community has made significant strides over the decades, achieving stability, self-reliance, and social mobility. Many have become successful and progressed in life. I encourage them to give back to the community and keep the spirit of care and citizenry. Through M³, professionals and volunteers from all walks of lives lend their expertise and skills to help the community. While we pursue our aspirations, let us remain connected with those around us, like our neighbours and wider community.
All of us have a role to play in uplifting the community. It is when each of us become active citizens that we become a community where we are each other’s keeper – looking out for one another, extending a helping hand. So I urge everyone to step forward to uplift others. We can only build a stronger Singapore, together.
English Translation
Our theme for this year’s COS debate is “Contributing Citizens, Stronger Nation”. This theme reflects our roles and obligations to one another as citizens of Singapore. It exemplifies the spirit of the Forward Singapore movement where the Government rally Singaporeans to come together to strengthen our social compact.
A core pillar of our social compact is the role of the family. It is through the family that we learn how to take care and fulfil our obligations to one another. Hence, the family provides the foundation to develop a sincere sense of collective responsibility, one that binds us as our fellow citizens. It is this sense of collective responsibility that propels us to be contributing members of the community and society, hence strengthening trust between one another.
During MSF’s COS Debate, I spoke about the three “S” for all families – Stability, Self-Reliance, and Social Mobility. Within the span of just one generation, many Malay/Muslim families have been able to achieve these three Ss largely because we emphasised education. This is also because of the efforts of our community leaders, who had set up MENDAKI forty years ago as they realised the importance of education in driving the progress of our community. Today, the education levels of our community are higher. More families have been able to achieve stability, self-reliance and social mobility. In our drive to success, our community does not leave behind our cultural and religious values. This is because Muis continues to nurture our character by mobilising the talents of our asatizah and strengthening the religious infrastructure.
I am proud of the success of our Malay/Muslim community, who are also actively contributing to Singapore. Let me share how we will continue building this strong sense of citizenry:
a. First, strengthening the foundation of the family;
b. Second, nurturing future religious and community leaders; and
c. Third, expanding the community’s contributions to the nation <br?
Strengthening the Foundation of the Family
We are committed to building stable, strong and resilient families. Mr Zhulkarnain asked about initiatives that support the building of strong marriages and families. The Bersamamu (“With You”) programme led by MOS Faishal have helped to strengthen the relationships of more than 20,500 newlyweds. This is because of the strong guidance and support from our Kadi and Naib Kadi (Muslim solemnisers). They undertook learning journeys to INSPIRASI Hubs (AMP and PPIS) and PPIS Vista Sakinah last year to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by young and remarrying couples. The lessons learnt helped our Kadi and Naib Kadi to provide proactive and effective support to couples.
Dr Shahira suggested including female perspectives in the Bersamamu programme. All religious leaders, including Kadi and Naib Kadi, are trained to provide guidance that addresses the different needs of brides and grooms. Should couples require specialised support from specialists, they are referred to other relevant agencies and services such as PPIS, AMP and Project ARIF Temasek Foundation. We acknowledge that women would also like specialised support from female religious teachers for some matters that they face. We will endeavour to provide this support services for them.
The delivery of the Bersamamu programme is further strengthened by the Marital First Responder training programme. The programme empowers members of the community to support couples with marital issues. More than 300 members from the Malay/Muslim community, comprising community and religious leaders as well as volunteers, have been trained to support couples and encourage them to seek professional help if required.
Mr Faisal Manap asked how we can support Malay/Muslims struggling with issues of gender identity. In matters relating to religion and morality, we should refer to the Mufti and our asatizah. They have guided us to extend our kindness to one another, including to these individuals. Muis will continue to enhance the capabilities of asatizah to better support these individuals and their families with sensitivity. This is on top of Muis’ training for asatizah who serve in the education and counselling sectors so that they can provide effective support to these individuals and their families.
All these community efforts will further strengthen our national programmes that seek to support the building of strong families. SMS Zaqy will elaborate how we can contribute to society by developing our competencies.
Nurturing future leaders in the religious and community sector
The spirit of self-help and gotong-royong has always been in our community. As the Malay saying goes, “berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing”. This spirit of working together was the driving force for the setting up of the M³network and various Malay/Muslim organisation (MMOs). The MMOs provide programmes that not only benefit the Malay/Muslim community, but also broader society. Minister Maliki will elaborate on the contributions of our MMOs in his speech.
To empower our MMOs, among others, we must continue to support and strengthen their leadership core. Ms Nadia asked about efforts to develop our future community leaders. The “Tunas Bersama M³” programme grooms future MMO leaders and equips them with critical skills. This includes building networks and synergy with others, which will help the community more effectively. I have personally heard the ideas from these leaders which are not only refreshing, but also emphasise the synergy in collaboration.
Our religious leaders also play an important role in guiding the community. Last September, Muis organised the International Conference on Communities of Success (ICCOS) to empower not only Muslims in Singapore, but Muslims in other minority communities to live as good Muslims and good citizens in their plural societies. ICCOS offers a construct of how we can contribute to the peace and prosperity in our society as a contributing, minority community. To Mr Zhulkarnain’s and Mr Saktiandi’s queries, Muis is developing a body of religious knowledge to empower our asatizah to guide the community confidently and contribute to larger society.
Our efforts to develop this body of religious knowledge has attracted interests from other religious institutions overseas. During my recent visit to Egypt, Al-Azhar University and Dar Al-Ifta expressed their support and interest to work with Muis to develop this body of knowledge. To expand this body of religious knowledge for minority Muslims, Muis had set up the Research Programme in the Study of Muslim Communities of Success (RPCS). One of the pioneer research fellows of the RPCS is Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed. He studied the factors that contributed to an observed over-reliance on halal certification. His research findings help our asatizah to guide the community to preserve our common spaces, which facilitates social mixing and forges trust between different religious groups.
Muis will provide greater support to research fellows under the RPCS, as part of efforts to develop Singapore’s future religious leaders and thinkers. These research fellows will be provided training opportunities in research methodologies and data visualisation, along with mentorship with esteemed local and international academics. Muis will also establish a digital repository later this year. It will contain resources on Islamic and social sciences covering emerging issues related to Governance, Society, Science and Technology. This repository will help our asatizah provide religious guidance with confidence and conviction, and which addresses contemporary issues in society.
With regard to the topic on religion, Mr Faisal Manap asked for an update on the wearing of the tudung in the uniformed services. As PM had explained in his National Day Rally speech in 2021, the SAF, Home Team and other uniformed services will remain status quo. These officers wield armed force and enforce the laws of Singapore, and are secular arms of the State. Therefore, they must always be seen to be impartial and to be doing their duty without fear or favour, which is especially important when responding to incidents that have racial or religious undertones.
Dr Shahira asked how madrasah graduates can continue serving as asatizah and contribute to the religious development of the community. There are currently over 600 undergraduates pursuing degrees related to Islam and Islamic Studies overseas. After undergoing the Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS) programme and certified under the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS), they can teach or work at religious institutions such as Muis, Syariah Court, madrasah and mosques. Muis is also studying how to connect these graduates to the relevant institutions. To attract asatizah to continue serving in the Muslim religious sector, Muis is developing the Common Salary Guidelines to review the salaries of asatizah, and ensure competitive remuneration that is commensurate with their qualification and job functions. Muis will share more details later this year.
To Dr Shahira’s query on the Singapore Community Wakaf (WMS), the WMS will support the long-term needs of the Muslim community, including our religious institutions and the development of our asatizah. The WMS will garner funds mainly from legacy planning and planned giving by the community, hence does not compete with MMOs who mainly fundraise for ad-hoc donations.
Mr Chairman, in English please.