Committee Of Supply Debates 2023 Speech By Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Education and Foreign Affairs Dr Maliki Osman On 06 March 2023
Building a strong ecosystem of giving backs Success
As our Malay/Muslim community continues to progress forward, we strive to capitalize our assets and facilitate active citizenry within the community, to look beyond our own needs and contribute to greater causes.
To do this, we will nurture a strong ecosystem of giving back in the Malay/Muslim community:
a. First, we will improve coordination across public agencies and community organisations;
b. Second, we will develop a strong volunteer corps with the right knowledge and skills;
c. Third, we will build a strong network of community partners for broader and deeper impact in the community.
Mr Chairman, in Malay please.
Mempertingkat Penyelarasan antara Agensi Awam dan Badan-badan Masyarakat
Masyarakat kita bersepakat untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan, dan sentiasa mencari cara yang lebih baik untuk mempertingkat taraf kehidupan mereka. Sering kali, mereka menghadapi isu-isu rumit yang memerlukan sokongan pelbagai agensi pemerintah dan bukan pemerintah. Kami akan mempertingkat penyelarasan antara agensi-agensi pemerintah dan badan-badan sukarelawan, untuk menyediakan sokongan yang lebih bersepadu dan menyeluruh, demi membantu golongan ini.
Contohnya, Projek Dian@M³. Kami melancarkan Projek Dian pada Disember 2021 untuk memperkukuhkan sokongan bagi keluarga Melayu/Islam yang tinggal di flat-flat sewa HDB. Menerusi Projek Dian, kami menumpukan perhatian kami kepada 3 golongan keluarga yang tinggal di di flat-flat sewa HDB iaitu – pertama ialah warga emas yang tinggal sendirian; kedua, keluarga beribubapa pertengahan umur yang mempunyai anak dewasa, atau keluarga berbilang generasi; dan ketiga ialah keluarga muda yang mempunyai anak-anak kecil.
Golongan ketiga ini menjadi keprihatinan utama kami. Secara amnya, mereka mempunyai tiga atau lebih orang anak, dengan purata usia bagi anak sulung adalah 11 tahun, manakala yang bongsu pula adalah 4 tahun. Ada yang mempunyai anak-anak yang lebih kecil lagi. Semasa lawatan ke rumah mereka, kami dapati sebilangan anak-anak mereka menunjukkan kerencatan dari sudut pembelajaran. Ada juga yang tidak menghadiri pra-sekolah, atau kurang kerap hadir di sekolah.
Untuk menyediakan bantuan yang lebih khusus untuk golongan ini, kami telah melancarkan program Duta Dian pada Oktober lalu bagi menyediakan sokongan di rumah kepada keluarga-keluarga Projek Dian yang mempunyai anak berusia 3 hingga 6 tahun. Encik Fahmi bertanya bagaimana para Duta Dian membantu keluarga-keluarga sedemikian, dan bagaimana mereka melengkapi diri mereka sendiri mereka dengan kemahiran yang secukupnya untuk mendampingi golongan ini. Semasa lawatan ke rumah yang dijalankan setiap dua minggu, para Duta Dian akan membaca bersama anak-anak ini, dan melakukan aktivi-aktiviti yang membolehkan kanak-kanak ini bermain sambil belajar, membantu dalam perkembangan kemahiran kognitif dan sosial mereka. Duta Dian akan turut melibatkan ibu bapa dalam aktiviti-aktiviti ini, agar mereka dapat diperkasa untuk meniti bersama perjalanan pendidikan awal anak-anak mereka.
Kami telah bekerjasama dengan Universiti Sains Sosial Singapura (SUSS) untuk merancang kurikulum dan bahan-bahan pendidikan bagi anak-anak ini, dan melaksanakan kaedah penilaian yang kukuh, atau programme evaluation. Untuk mengukur perkembangan setiap keluarga, SUSS membuat penilaian sistematik terhadap nota-nota catatan para Duta kita semasa setiap lawatan, dan SUSS juga akan menemu ramah anggota keluarga untuk lebih memahami situasi mereka. Di samping itu, KidSTART membantu melatih para Duta Dian dalam bidang pembangunan awal kanak-kanak agar mereka dapat berinteraksi dengan anak-anak ini secara lebih berkesan, dan memberi huraian yang sewajarnya. Sejak program Duta Dian dirintis, 30 sukarelawan telah dilatih, dan lebih ramai lagi sukarelawan akan diberi peluang untuk menjalani latihan yang sama.
Dr Wan Rizal bertanya mengenai perkembangan Projek Dian. Saya teruja berkongsi bahawa Projek Dian telah mendekati lebih 70% daripada kalangan keluarga Melayu di fasa rintis dan telah mengenal pasti keluarga-keluarga muda yang dapat disalurkan kepada program Duta-Duta Dian. Namun, perjalanan para Duta Dian kita setakat ini bukanlah mudah. Sesetengah mereka menempuh cabaran untuk menjalin hubungan dan kepercayaan dengan keluarga-keluarga ini. Meskipun begitu, mereka cekal hati dan melakukan sedaya upaya mereka demi anak-anak kecil dalam keluarga yang mereka dekati. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada setiap sukarelawan kita atas semangat dan dedikasi mereka.
Sekalipun demikian, Tuan Pengerusi, kita turut dapat merasakan kejayaan, atau early success, dan yakin bahawa program ini telah menunjukkan kesan yang ketara ke atas kehidupan sebilangan keluarga Projek Dian ini. Sebagai contoh, menerusi Projek Dian, Siti (bukan nama sebenar), yang merupakan seorang suri rumah, telah dirujukkan kepada e2i dan NTUC untuk meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan supaya dapat menampung keluarganya. Anak bongsu Siti, yang berusia 6 tahun, telah meraih manfaat daripada program Duta Dian menerusi aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan untuk menggalak pembelajarannya. Anaknya kini menunjukkan peningkatan dan minat mempelajari bahan-bahan baru. Anak perempuan Siti yang berusia 8 tahun juga menghadiri tuisyen mingguan yang diselenggarakan oleh Pejabat Penyelarasan Pelibatan Masyarakat M³ (M³ ECO) dan kini, anak 8 tahun ini lebih tekun dan yakin terhadap tugasan sekolahnya.
Memandangkan Projek Dian menunjukkan kejayaan pada peringkat awalnya, kami akan memperluas program Projek Dian ini ke tiga lagi Bandar M³ - iaitu di Chua Chu Kang, Jurong, dan Tampines. Menerusi perluasan Project Dian ini, lebih 500 lagi keluarga Melayu/Islam yang tinggal di flat sewa akan didekati, tambahan daripada sekitar 250 keluarga pada hari ini.
Memupuk Kumpulan Teras Sukarelawan yang Kukuh melalui Pembangunan Keupayaan dan Latihan
Pengerusi, tenaga sukarelawan merupakan tunggak bagi masyarakat yang aktif dan cemerlang. Untuk menyokong perkembangan program-program M³ seperti Projek Dian, kita bukan hanya perlu menambah jumlah sukarelawan, tetapi juga memastikan setiap sukarelawan dilengkapi dengan ilmu dan kemahiran supaya mereka dapat berkhidmat secara berkesan.
M³ ECO, telah ditubuhkan untuk memenuhi keperluan ini. M³ ECO telah memperkenalkan sebuah Rangka Kerja Pembinaan Keupayaan Sukarelawan yang kukuh, agar dapat melengkapi para sukarelawan M³ dengan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk mendekati keluarga-keluarga sasaran mereka. Sejak dilaksanakan pada September 2021, lebih 150 sukarelawan telah pun mengambil bahagian dalam program latihan ini. Mereka lebih yakin mendekati and menjalin hubungan dengan para penduduk yang ditemui. Mereka memberi maklumat berguna kepada keluarga-keluarga ini berdasarkan keperluan masing-masing. Selain latihan kemahiran asas, kami juga menganjurkan sesi-sesi latihan khusus bersama agensi pemerintah tertentu, di mana sukarelawan kita dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan yang lebih khusus tentang dasar dan skim-skim Pemerintah yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh keluarga-keluarga ini. Contohnya, sesi latihan kelolaan HDB menumpukan perhatian kepada skim-skim perumahan yang disediakan Pemerintah untuk dikongsi oleh para sukarelawan kita dengan keluarga-keluarga ini.
Saya berasa teruja kerana bilangan sukarelawan di sebelas Bandar M³ telah meningkat daripada 700 ke 800 tahun lalu, dan mereka telah mendekati hampir 7,000 keluarga Melayu/Islam di bandar-bandar tersebut. Para sukarelawan kita datang daripada latar belakang, masing-masing membawa pengalaman dan kepakaran mereka yang tersendiri untuk berkhidmat kepada golongan yang memerlukan. Kami harap mereka akan terus menjadi sumber inspirasi supaya lebih ramai lagi dapat tampil ke hadapan dan sertai kami dalam program-program yang murni ini.
Tuan Pengerusi, dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Building a Strong Network of Community Partners for Broader and Deeper Impact
Mr Chairman, for the impact on our community to be further broadened and deepened, it is critical that we expand and strengthen our network of community partners that give back. Mr Fahmi and Ms Nadia asked how we broaden our web of partners, including supporting synergies among existing organisations, as well as with new groups.
Today, our network of established Malay/Muslim Organisations (MMOs) and Indian/Muslim Organisations (IMOs) support many vulnerable segments of the community. And we thank them for all their efforts. They play an important role of corralling resources and implementing programmes to meet the diverse needs of our community and fellow Singaporeans.
To Ms Nadia’s question, beyond the individual contributions that each MMO and IMO makes, they can play a greater role in community building through collaborative partnerships. For instance, last December, the Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS) collaborated with Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday Memorial Scholarship Fund Board (LBKM) to launch a new post-graduate scholarship to support women in achieving their aspirations. The scholarship is open to women pursuing further studies in STEM, community work, and gerontology, among other relevant options. The $15,000 scholarship is co-funded by the organisations and will be given to one recipient a year for 10 years, starting this year. This collaboration is an example of community efforts to grow more female role models within the community. And we do encourage many more MMOs and IMOs to come together in partnership to offer more scholarships and programmes for the community.
Beyond existing community organisations, we must also cultivate new partners to harness their influence and capabilities. This is why the other Malay/Muslim leaders and I have been actively engaging different groups to listen to their views and share avenues within M³ framework where they can contribute. Last year, we engaged close to 30 different groups, including youth organisations, social service agencies, union leaders, and groups from different occupations.
I met with close to 30 financial advisors to discuss how Government can partner the community of financial advisors to improve the community’s financial literacy. I was very heartened that many of them were keen to share their knowledge with residents on the ground and we invited them to conduct financial literary talks at M³@Towns. Similarly, the volunteer lawyers under M³ organised legal sharing sessions to residents and guided them in applying for a Lasting Power of Attorney. On the medical front, doctors and healthcare professionals from the community have also stepped forward. For example, Dr Fadzil Hamzah works closely with M³@Tampines and asatizahs at Ghufran Mosque to conduct talks on prenatal health.
Such collaborative partnerships between Government and various community nodes often have a multiplier effect on the community. To strengthen and deepen synergy, we actively look into creating platforms to share ideas and strengthen ties across our network of partners. This is why we started the M³ Forum – to serve as a platform for our M³ partners and volunteers to come together to take stock and reflect on past work done, while forging new insights and partnerships for the road ahead.
Last month, our second M³ Forum saw over 400 participants from more than 25 public agencies and community organisations, of which 15 were new partners borne out of fresh collaborations over the years. For example, through this year’s M³ Forum, the Malay Youth Literary Association (4PM) and M³@Jalan Besar are coming together to promote youth empowerment, by providing youths with resources for personal and professional growth. I urge more community groups to come forward to be part of the M³ family to reinforce a network of care for our community.
Chairman, I have shared our efforts in nurturing a culture of active citizenry within the Malay/Muslim community. However, this cannot be achieved overnight, nor by the Government’s efforts alone. Building a contributing community requires close partnerships between volunteers, public agencies and community organisations. And at the heart of it, the dedication and passion of this coalition of partners, towards a common goal of creating a better future for our fellow Singaporeans. Thank you.
English Translation
Improving Coordination Across Public Agencies and Community Organisations
The community is united in supporting the vulnerable in our midst and are constantly finding better ways to uplift them. Often times, these families face complex issues that require support from many different government and non-government agencies. We will improve coordination across public agencies and community organisations, to provide more integrated wrap-around support for the vulnerable.
Project Dian@M³ is an example of how we have done this. We launched Project Dian in December 2021 to strengthen support for Malay/Muslim families who stay in HDB rental flats. Through Project Dian, we focus on 3 groups of families who stay in HDB rental flats, - first, elderly who live alone, second, middle-aged parents with adult children, or multi-generational families, and third, young families with young children.
The third group of young families is our key priority. They have an average of three children or more, with the mean age of the oldest and youngest children at 11 and 4 years old respectively. Some have children who are even younger than that. During our house visits, we further observed that some children demonstrate developmental delays, or did not attend preschool regularly.
To provide more targeted assistance to this group, we launched the Dian Ambassador programme last October, to provide home-based support to Project Dian families with children between 3 and 6 years old. Mr Fahmi asked how the Dian Ambassadors support the target families and are equipped to engage them. Our Dian Ambassadors will visit the families fortnightly to read with the child and engage them in sensory activities and role-playing, which assists in the child’s cognitive and social skills development. The Dian Ambassadors will also involve the young parents, to empower them to support their children in early childhood education.
We work closely with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) to plan the curriculum and educational materials for the children, as well as to implement a robust evaluation approach. To measure the progress of each family, SUSS systematically evaluates the case notes recorded by our Dian Ambassadors at every visit, and will conduct interviews with family members to better understand their situation. Additionally, KidSTART helps to train our Dian Ambassadors on early childhood development to enable them to effectively interact with these children and provide appropriate intervention. Since the Dian Ambassador programme was piloted, 30 volunteers have been trained and we look forward to developing subsequent batches of volunteers.
Dr Wan Rizal asked for an update on Project Dian. I am happy to share that Project Dian has reached out to over 70% of Malay households in its pilot phase, and has identified young families that could be channelled to the Dian Ambassadors programme. However, the journey for our Dian ambassadors has not been easy. Some face challenges in fostering a relationship and trust with the families. Nevertheless, they persevere and give their best effort for the young children in these families. I thank all our ambassadors for their passion and dedication.
Having said that, Mr Chairman, we do have some successes and are confident that it brings about tangible impact on the lives of some Project Dian families. For example, through Project Dian, Siti (not her real name), a housewife, was referred to the e2i and NTUC to improve her employment opportunity and support her family. Siti’s youngest son, aged 6, benefitted from our Dian Ambassador programme through the developmental intervention. He has shown progress and interest in learning new things. Siti’s 8-year-old daughter also receives weekly tuition coordinated by the M³ Engagement Coordination Office (M³ ECO) and is now much more confident in her schoolwork.
Given the early success of Project Dian, we will expand the programme to three more M³@Towns –M³@Chua Chu Kang, M³@Jurong & M³@Tampines. Through the expansion of Project Dian, over 500 more Malay/Muslim public rental household will be engaged, up from approximately 250 households today.
Nurturing a Strong Volunteer Corps by Equipping and Training Volunteers
Chairman, the volunteers’ passion is the bedrock of an active and vibrant community. To support the growth of our M³ programmes, such as Project Dian, we not only increase our pool of volunteers, but also ensure that each is well-supported with the knowledge and skills to contribute effectively.
M³ ECO was set up for this very purpose. M3 ECO has since put in place a robust Volunteers’ Capability Building Framework, to equip M³ volunteers with the right skillsets to engage target families. Since its inception in September 2021, over 150 volunteers have gone through the training programmes. They became more confident in building rapport with the residents. The volunteers provide useful information to families based on their needs. Besides basic skills training, we also organise specialised trainings with certain Government agencies, where more of our volunteers are equipped with specific knowledge about Government policies and schemes that could benefit the families. For example, training programmes conducted by HDB focus on the Government’s housing schemes which the volunteers could share with these families.
I am heartened that the number of volunteers across the 11 M³ Towns have increased from 700 to 800 last year, and they have reached out to close to 7,000 Malay/Muslim households across all towns. Our volunteers come from all walks of life, each bringing their unique experience and expertise to serve those in need. We hope they will continue to be an inspiration to many more to step forward and join this noble cause.
Mr Chairman, in English please.